The sustainability topic is getting louder and louder. Bags, single-use cups, straws—we unanimously identify these items as unfriendly to the environment and try to reduce their use. But have you ever thought about the sustainability of electronic devices like phones? Telia has been thinking about this for some time, so we agreed to find more like-minded people to spread the word.
We were looking for content creators who were advocates of sustainable lifestyles, trying to reduce their consumption, and discussing this with their audience. We selected eight influencers and asked them to share their story, what got them interested in a more sustainable lifestyle, and their first steps toward going green.
The inspiring stories led to the issue at stake—the rise of e-pollution through consumption. Every year, newer mobile phones replace second-hand but perfectly functional devices. Influencers presented an environmentally friendly solution—phones refurbished by Telia’s experts, offering a more sustainable, old but like-new mobile choice.
The campaign was a great success. Influencers created over fifty pieces of content, and more than half of the content was presented in an informative video format. The audience also appreciated the message and shared positive feedback and gratitude for the sustainable alternative in the comments section.