“We want every woman to take care of her skin, to accept herself as she is, and to be happy about it,” is the idea presented to us by Skin Logic, a new Scandinavian dermatological cosmetics brand. We trusted it and planned how we would bring this message of self-love to women in Lithuania and Latvia.
Thinking about self-love, we unanimously agreed that it is not the ultimate goal of self-awareness or a place where we will never doubt ourselves again. Self-love is a habit. We encouraged Skin Logic to promote this habit and invite women to take the first step by writing a love letter to themselves.
We looked for unique and inspiring voices to spread this message. In total, we selected eleven influencers and well-known women (five in Lithuania and six in Latvia) who are vocal about their search for self-love, challenges, and successes. We invited all women to write a love letter to themselves and, if they felt comfortable, to share a fragment or even the whole letter with the audience.
The extracts of the letters published by the influencers were the perfect link to the Skin Logic message—love yourself more.
Choosing influencers who are the right fit for the new brand in terms of themes and values not only allowed us to introduce the products to new markets but also strengthened Skin Logic’s positioning. The women who created the content were photographed doing activities that help them love themselves more: taking a bath after a hard day’s work, keeping a diary, reading a favorite book, or writing a compliment to themselves. In all this context, Skin Logic was mentioned as a brand that invites us to do at least one small action every day that makes us love ourselves more.